Do Cats Attack Squirrels? 5 Reasons Why a Cats Attack

Do Cats Attack Squirrels? 5 Reasons Why a Cats Attack

Reading this article, you will know Do Cats Attack Squirrels? 5 Reasons Why a Cats Attack. The cat’s temperament usually determines whether or not it will attack a squirrel. Many cats like nothing more than taking a nighttime stroll. Some people will go hunting. Typically, predator cats proudly display their trophy to their human owners when…

Top 20 Facts About Cats

Top 20 Facts About Cats

Top 20 Facts About Cats. There are reportedly 720 million pet and stray cats worldwide. Cats are the only species in the Felidae family that have to domesticate. These hairy and non-furry felines are still cherished members of many families today, having first tamed some 9500 years ago, or 7500 BC. What more do we…